Wednesday, August 9, 2023

the climax of nationalism - scene

 Under the scorching sun, humans going to and fro uncannily uninterested in the dangerous consequences of excessive exposure to sunlight, cannot but beg the question of why do they still do it. And the answer shines even brighter than the sun-rays, shining through the long history of the human civilization still burning us up here and now. 

Work cannot be normalized even further. One cannot even conceive a world in which people do not work (wage-labour) and when it spontaneously does occur at a moment of weakness, it is surely dismissed as a utopian fantasy.

In any case we are still under the suffocating sun consuming our lives away while finding solace in artificial environments. Suddenly, a familiar man runs through the busy crowd and his presence disturbs the processes of consumption that people happily partake. His swollen belly and the old stretched knitwear shows of a time where this outfit might have looked good on him. Now, it just hinders his strong will to reach somewhere further up. However, he stops to breathe and as if he is giving up on his quest, he starts shouting with all the energy he is left with, probably to transmit his message through different means. Indeed, he was a smart man.

"Cyprus has become part of Greece!" "The eternal will has finally been fulfilled!" "Ζήτω η Ένωσις!"

Naturally, all eyes were on him. Unsurprisingly, not for the best reasons. There was a unnerving silence for a long time. People that heard the god-loving words, did not know how to react. Everyone was expecting someone else's actions after the information has been initially perceived. 

"Should i jump on this public bench in ecstasy in a victorious posture now that my relatives wish has finally been fulfilled and then stop to cry at the fact that they cannot experience this moment of glory due to death?" or

"the fascists are still everywhere watering the seeds of hate and division with delusional anachronic statements. Even if true, nothing justifies his actions to disturb the lives of the consumers, at their time off work and even more,  the workers unwillingly involved. Another example of Hollywood-like love to a nation. Another script to be written showing the horrors and pain of the greek-cypriots in the struggle for Enosis. Another oscar to be won for whitewashing the bloodshed."

The few that understand his language, after a moment of a brief recollection of their scattered knowledge on a topic which is nowadays forgotten, gave in to the thoughts of their sustenance. The holy struggle lost to hunger. Turning their heads to the colourful and vivid signs of the familiar chain-restaurants, carried on with their performance of consumption...

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