Thursday, October 5, 2023

how to change the world vs. the world is changing

 There is no dualism. Only life in motion. 

At the root of it all, the world can only change when we change how we use language. Any language we use to communicate our selves to each other. The phrase to change the world cannot be reduced to a mere moment. Since life itself is best described as life in motion, change must also follow suit and become changing. The world is always changing. To change the world must then mean to acknowledge the changing process, and guide this motion into what you subscribe to. Since we were born in this ever-changing motion, we are part of the movement even in moments of stillness. As long as there is life within us we are actively changing the world. 

To generalize further, it's our actions that foster and recreate the world we all live in. For example, a world without violence isn't being realized through violent actions. Conclusively, language-in-use, is just another human activity that we have chosen to focus on in this essay as a (ironically) revolutionary medium we need to reclaim from the sketchy figures of authority. 

It is of no importance when these old figures have acknowledged the power of language in their quest for validation: To feed the people with certain moral values and later, the same well-fed people, will find solace and accept their authority unquestionably. Similarly on the receiving end, the language one uses shows the moral values they support. We do not believe that the effect of propaganda lies on the ballot turnout, but rather on the lives of the people that fall for it. Language-in-use, from the top to the bottom of any society, instructs the content of our conversations and obviously our thoughts. If for example, the state-owned tv stations regularly presented the various schools of thought that emerged in different epochs of the human civilization on - let's say, political economy, the political dialogue between the citizens would be a completely different experience. 

It is important to know why these silly fundamentals are not promoted to and by the general public. It is a toxic relationship that one needs the other to justify its own existence - or in this case, non-existence. Simply, if we did critize, we would surely take away their status of authority. For the religious, that doesn't mean elimination but rather the exclusion of the religious leaders from the political. When freedom to exercise one's own beliefs are guaranteed, and the concerns of the followers are dealt with utmost care, there is no space left for the involvement of the religious leaders. 

a changing world is the context of the content of our lives. 


It is the same old story. There is always a glass half filled or emptied, with water. The importance of it lies in the different beliefs human maintain about the same object. In a similar manner to the pessimistic and optimistic generalizations one can deduce from the observers and their attitudes towards the glass with the water, we maintain that phrasing ourselves differently, also recreates the world that the glass belongs to.

Being aware of the shared experience is a celebration to the evolutionary history. We are not aware of a response to the above question such as the following: with joyful tears and celebrations for their ability to create this situation in which they share this sensory experience and can duel in theoretical conversations. Similarly, you reading this text is also a celebration to the wonders of the human intellect and civilization. 

Not for a moment we forget and separate humans from nature. Evolution has provided for this. Mastering, exploiting and then raping our own first nature to create societies will always be an  undoubtable fact. Even so, we must not fight to return to previous stages of human civilization. Instead, we take full responsibility for continuously exploiting the earth and each other which have allowed us today to enjoy breakthrough individual technologies. 

we need to heal our relationships with nature and each other. Conclusively, the social structures and the reign of domination that has penetrated deep into our individual beings. Innocent expressions or realities (attitudes, perspectives) echoed from the depths of the history of patriarchism, only show how we unquestionably accept the current state of affairs - capitalism and neoliberalism, as the basis of our own lives and in essence our vocabulary: The content of our thoughts and even the flow they are generated. To bring up the contradictions and duel in self-reflection - for example, on the outdated cringe expression you said patronizing homosexuals, can only be achieved with the same language. Not necessarily to learn new words but to form sentences with the already known ones in helpful ways.

We created science searching for answers. Instead we got more complicated questions fuming out of the catastrophe we created. First out of ignorance then out of profit.  


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